
MoviesChain - by TVzavr Blockchain Platform based on Movie Distribution

What is MoviesChain?

MoviesChain by TVzavr is blockchain platform, secure and anti-collapse of the world's first direct film platform join the audiences and revolution cinema independence.Sebuah in the distribution of independent films, FilmChain by TVzavr decentralize and disperse the global independent film distribution industry, providing unequaled global efficiency, transparency and scalability.

MоviеѕChаn by TVzаvr рrеѕеntѕ rеvоlutiоrаrу technology that will help to make all possible problems and more deeply for recording uncertain movies. Specifically, MоviеѕChаn by TVzаvr, using blосkсhаin technology, will help in creating renowned distributors such as viewers and independent producers of ordinary films. Currently, third-end рnd end with about half of revenue, or about $ 10 every week more. MoviesChain by TVzаvrе аtе tесhnоlоgу will еliminаtе thаtе саrе еtеrе еtеrеtеtеtеrе, аѕ revolutionized independent films, thereby significantly rеduсing іtѕtѕе.

Changes by TVznews greatly assist the distribution of content will not only encourage filmmakers and producers to get more quality movies, but will also get more that may be mastered by big movies. This will make it easier for new and independent new films to get the best by dramatically making the most of people start production.

In MоviеѕChаn by TVzаvrѕе рlаtfоrm, filmmakers will start earning income as they complete work on their films. In this case, the difference that occurs from fabulous movie making is mostly through the сrоwdfunding platform, as happened in Kiosk and Indi, which were there where it could be a good time to look back at the inventestmntnt. However, the icon that MоviеѕChаn by TVzаvr has developed will apply parts of independent movies, and this produces higher speeds, while also providing more accurate flow prediction models.

About MoviesChain by TVzavr

>Founded in 2009, we are a leading video on demand company in Russia.
>In 2010, we received $ 15 million in the Venture Fund to form a solid team of 70 specialists.
>For 2017, we have 30 million users who watch videos on our platform every month.
>For 2017, we will earn $ 10 million in revenue.
>MoviesChain by TVzavr supports Akamai's unique content delivery network and Akamai network on 50 servers worldwide.
>Film Santai entertainment content TV zavr cryptographically protected by our own unique data management system that has its own AES-128 standard.
>Since 2010, our content is available worldwide in smart TVs, smartphones and set-top boxes.
>Our advertising clients are the largest companies in the world, including the Fortune 500 list.


Every year, thousands of films are released, ranging from thrillers, to animated films for children. However, quantity is not always equal to quality. Even famous directors, actors, or popular studios do not necessarily make films that become masterpieces. And while new films are constantly being released, it is obvious that cinema is in a state of crisis. There are several reasons for the crisis in the film industry: 

Monotony: There are not many new ideas readily available, or that are being used, for new films. Instead, the Hollywood film industry mostly takes advantage of franchises, releasing remake after remake, as well as sequels and prequels. While it appears easier to attract theatergoers with a film that has already been successful, what usually happens instead is that each new installation in a series ends up being worse than the previous one, and eventually viewers lose interest. Nevertheless, many viewers continue to follow the franchise out of curiosity to see what will happen to their favorite characters in slightly different plots.

  • ·         Profit versus Art:

Many films are being made only to earn money, and not for the sake of art.
  • ·         Meaningless, Formulaic plots:

Major Hollywood studios, in particular, focus on releasing blockbuster entertainment that attracts audiences but lacks substance.
  • ·         Same Actors:

Since an actor’s star persona mostly remains static throughout their career, and audiences expect to see the same actor in the same franchise, as well as similar plots, Hollywood directors often cast the same actors over and over again to attract the same audiences.
  • ·         Piracy and Copyright Infringement:

The ease with which films can be reproduced and distributed outside of a franchise agreement makes piracy and copyright infringement a constant worry and cost.

Aside from the problems in the mainstream film industry, independent film producers and filmmakers also have to deal with the added problems of working outside of a large studio or franchise, such as: 

a. Limited target audiences: Independent producers do not have as much access to the international film market, which, according to Stephen Follows Film Data and Education (, has been a source of higher profits for studio blockbusters for many years. 

b. The home entertainment market for independent film producers in the U.S., in particular, which previously accounted for a significant portion of revenue from independent films, continues to decline. 

c. The income distribution model in the film industry is skewed in favor of third-party distributors as opposed to independent film producers.

d. It is difficult to find private investors or soft money from endowments and the government to fund independent films. 

e. Assembling a professional team and the infrastructure required to produce a film is far more challenging. 

f. A lack of platforms available for monetization of content. Existing crowdfunding platforms face multiple challenges such as copyrights and relative lack of interest from potential investors. 

g. The lack of one integrated social platform where all participants in the independent film industry can interact.


MoviesChain by TVzavr presents revolutionary technology that will help to solve all of the above-mentioned problems and more in order to reinvigorate the independent film industry. In particular, MoviesChain by TVzavr, with its use of blockchain technology, will focus on eliminating intermediary distributors between viewers and independent producers of quality films. Currently, third-parties end up with about half of the revenues, or about $10 billion every year. MoviesChain by TVzavr’s technology will eliminate this market inefficiency, as it revolutionizes the rental of independent films, thereby significantly reducing costs.

MoviesChain by TVzavr’s innovative model of content distribution will not only encourage independent filmmakers and producers to produce more quality films, but will also challenge the monopoly that is currently being held by major movie studios. This will make it easier for both new and established independent filmmakers to enter the market directly by drastically reducing the amount of money required to start production. On MoviesChain by TVzavr’s platform, filmmakers will start earning revenues as soon as they complete work on their films. In contrast, the current financing of independent filmmaking is accomplished mostly through crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo, sites where there can be a considerable time to see a return on investment. However, the platform that MoviesChain by TVzavr has developed will optimize the process of financing independent films, and thus produce higher profits more rapidly, while also providing more accurate cash flow prediction models.


·         Approximately 50% of the revenue goes to middleman distributors
·         Financing is scarce
·         Losses due to copyright infringement and piracy


·         The market is dominated by Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and others
·         No access to original content outside of main streaming conglomerates


·         Advertisers are not assured of what content they are actually paying for
·         Markets are affected by bogus websites and bots that commit fraud
·         Poor targeting of market demographics, limiting viewers of advertisements

Ecosystem MoviesChain TVzavr

The MoviesChain platform takes care of all the market inefficiencies mentioned by decentralizing and completely underestimating the independent film distribution industry.

The MoviesChain TVzavr streaming platform gives independent film producers the possibility to rent or sell their projects to a global audience. Unlike other platforms, MoviesChain by TVzavr allows independent film producers to save up to 90% of their profits.


The sales of tokens will be made in 5 stages. During the first stage, only members of the white list can obtain tokens. Personal data on the site can be included in the whitelist.

The third member of the white list will receive a bonus of 25%. The remaining members of the white list receive a 20% bonus.

>The second stage has a 15% free token bonus.
>The third stage has a bonus of 10% of free tokens.
>The fourth stage has a bonus of 5% free tokens
>The fifth stage has a bonus of 3% free tokens. Up to 10% bonus will be given

For the number of purchased tokens:

·         10,000-50,000 ZVR - + 3% free tokens
·         50,000-150,000 ZVR - + 5% free tokens
·         150,000-350,000 ZVR - + 7% free tokens
·         more than 350,000 ZVR - + 10% free tokens

The terms and conditions of the sales of tokens will be clarified more closely with the launch of the sale of tokens.


ZVR will be launched on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC tokens. After a certain number of tokens have been sold, the cost of tokens will gradually increase over time. The ZVR Token sale will take place from 2018 Q2 to 2018 Q3. The exact date of token sale to be announced. The softcap will be $5 million, and the hardcap will be $30 million. Acceptable cryptocurrencies that can be used during the process of Token sale are: ETH and BTC. The price for tokens will be determined when the Token sale launches. All unsold tokens will be burned. In the case that the revenue from the Token sale is less than $5 million, then all collected funds will be returned to the original owners.

Since part of the payments will be made in fiat currencies, MoviesChain by TVzavr will buy a part of a token free float from exchanges at the prevailing market rate. That is necessary because 10% of all the revenues of the platform irrespectively of the method of payment is allocated to the Customer Rewards Program. We acknowledge that this may create substantial buying pressure on ZVR tokens on the secondary market. This happens if a large amount of transactions is made in fiat currency, and in the event this occurs MoviesChain by TVzavr will be forced to sell fiat currencies, and buy ZVR tokens in order to have enough tokens available for the bonus scheme described above (Overview of MoviesChain by TVzavr V. 1.0). In the case of a significant price appreciation, we may consider launching another token generating event to restore the market equilibrium. Given the fact that revenues of tvzavr alone were $10 million in 2017, we estimate that yearly revenues of MoviesChain by TVzavr will be around $50-$100 million which will create a significant buying pressure but will not destabilize the market completely. Therefore, in our base scenario an additional token generating event will not be needed. In Table 5 below our projections of the amount of the tokens to be bought on the secondary market in one year for distribution via the bonus scheme, as a function of yearly revenue and percentage of transactions in fiat currencies, are listed.

Distribution of tokens

  • ·         100 million tokens will be issued
  • ·         70% will be distributed during the initial sale
  • ·         5% will remain in the reserve fund in case it is not possible to buy chips in the secondary market for the reward program.
  • ·         2% will be excluded from the reward campaigns
  • ·         23% will be transferred to the initial investment team
All assignments will be changed proportionally, maintaining the same allocation percentage for initial sales, reserve funds, rewards campaigns and equipment assignments, if less than 70 million tokens are sold during initial sales.

Distribution of funds received from the original version of the token:

·         Marketing-50%
·         IT-20% development
·         Operating cost-20%
·         Legal support: 5%
·         Board of Directors and Advisory Board-5%


ZVR tokens will be issued by MoviesChain by TVzavr. The company was created with the purpose of issuing tokens and is registered in the British Virgin Islands. 


MoviesChain by TVzavr will not dilute the value of ZVR tokens by generating additional ZVR tokens for MoviesChain by TVzavr v. 1.0. Additional tokens may be issued, only in the case of significant price appreciation of ZVR token and MoviesСhain by TVzavr’s inability to buy tokens from the secondary for the bonus scheme described in the Token sale Phases. 


ZVR token owners have the right to use them to watch independent films as well as other movies on and on all devices. There are more than 40,000 films on and platforms. They will also be able to participate in the Customer Reward scheme described in Overview of MoviesChain by TVzavr v. 1.0. Another important aspect of owning tokens will be the ability to give them to other users who have left reviews or recommendations for a film. This motivates users not only to consume content, but also to create a quality ratings and feedback system. Token holders will not be able to gain revenues from passive investment.


After the Token sale, the tokens will be cross-listed on cryptocurrency exchanges, potentially Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken, and others.


  • 2009
TVzavr established and receives $1 Million in funding
  • 2010 launched with 1000 movies
  • 2012
Paid content distribution model introduced.
Product offering increased to 5000 movies.
  • 2014
Paid model for content distribution; movies offered increased to 7000
  • 2016 
Russian Cinema international project launched; over 1000 films offered to clients
  • 2017
25 million unique users watch our movie every month.
$7 million in annual revenue
  • 2018
Q4 Launch of blockchain-based platform for distributing independent films
  • 2019
TVzavr takes 5% market share in independent film distribution



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Author:  aldi13


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