Air Cosmetics

Air Cosmetics : 

World’s First Crypto-Friendly Luxury Makeup

Air World was founded by Peter Alfred-Adekeye – a serial technology entrepreneur, in 2018 with the mission of developing affordable luxury products for the underserved 1 Billion women of colour in Africa and the diaspora.
Physical appearance is an essential component of self-confidence. Therefore, when you look good, you feel good.
Unlike men, women across the world face tremendous pressure to look beautiful daily. This feeling has intensified with social media causing everyone to want to look and feel as good as the celebrities and beauty vloggers and bloggers they see online.
In Europe, North America and Asia, high quality beauty products are readily available for lighter skin shades but sadly, unaffordable for majority of women seeking darker shades, causing some women to resort to counterfeit products that expose them to long-term health risks.
African women have skin and hair texture, tastes and preferences that most products do not cater for today. In Makeup, it is still difficult for women of colour all around the world to find their product skin shade. And when they do find it, it is usually overpriced for their modest budget, especially in sub-Saharan Africa where the median monthly income per inhabitant is $417 or $14 per day (source: World Bank, 2017). 
Bottomline, not every woman can afford to pay $39 for a 30ML Foundation.
Like the Air we breathe, our goal at Air Cosmetics is to create a range of high quality luxury makeup collection, that is affordable and globally accessible to all women of colour be they in Timbuktu, the Banlieues of Paris or Brooklyn.
Furthermore, all Air Cosmetics products will have embedded technology that will enable our customers to discover Africa through a visually immersive experience.
Finally, Air Cosmetics is the world’s first makeup brand that will accept payments in crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC)Ether (ETH)Multicoins (MTCN) and many more.
Support us as we embark on this cool mission.
PS. We are hiring! Love makeup? As in, really love it and have the following skill sets? Send your CV to WORK AT AIR DOT MAISON…. like now 🙂
  • Location: Paris, France;
  • Opportunities: Internships & full-time positions in Marketing, Operations & Business Development;
  • Compensation: All the makeup you can apply and more 😉

Initial Product Range

  • Face Primer
  • Liquid Foundation
  • Concealer
  • Powder
  • Eye Pencil
  • Mascara
  • Lipstick

Name: Farahabis
My eth address


  1. We provide full stack publications for 150 media. We help with PR for blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, ICO, STO, IEO, DEFI companies
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