
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2019

CannaCor is a licensed manufacturer of medical cannabis products

Beranda CannaCor is a licensed manufacturer of medical cannabis products CannaCor is a licensed manufacturer of medical cannabis products rima98 blog ico 09.09 Blockchain is a technology that does not use a third party in a data exchange process which in this case occurs in the transaction process. Simply put, if you buy something at the store by paying using a debit card, the store will believe the balance you entered has entered into their account. Well, the third party referred to here is the Bank company as a liaison between the buyer and seller in the transaction using the debit card earlier. CannaCor and Blockchain Corporation have been involved in collaboration to position themselves to be a global leader in the research, planting, processing and distribution of cannabis, and the application of blockchain technology for the needs of the cannabis life cycle and supply chain management. They aspire to lead, legitimize and define the future of the industry by building the most...

Global e-commerce ecosystems from B2B, B2C, O2O, and C2C hyperlocal

Global e-commerce ecosystems from B2B, B2C, O2O, and C2C hyperlocal, social, private groups, secure message-based Marketplace directly on the Android platform and currently available in the United States, India, Indonesia, Philippines with the Global B2B Trading App - WANT to be available throughout world. The launch of B2C products, other C2C soon in the United States, India, Europe, Britain and Southeast Asia. Supported by our core shopping search engine, Benipal, developed over the past 10 years with the ability to conduct contextual and relational searches with Images, Text and Sound. See Pitch Deck and White paper for more details on our incredible search engine technology. Benipal, the most sophisticated shopping search engine ever developed. Be part of the global B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C e-commerce global markets. Benipal S.A. was founded in March 2009 with the simple aim of creating the most sophisticated shopping and travel search engine. Currently, there are also severa...


CannaCor și Blockchain Corporation și-au unit forțele pentru a deveni lideri mondiali în cercetarea, cultivarea, procesarea și distribuția canabisului, precum și introducerea tehnologiei blockchain pentru ciclul de viață al canabisului și gestionarea lanțului de aprovizionare. Aceștia încearcă să conducă, să legitimeze și să modeleze viitorul industriei prin crearea celei mai fiabile companii de canabis bazate pe blockchain din lume. Această acțiune include crearea unei întreprinderi unice de creștere și producție a aquaponicii în Lesotho pentru furnizarea pe piața mondială. Acest document conține informații detaliate despre contribuția ambelor părți la această acțiune, inclusiv Oferta inițială de monede (ICO) și modul în care aceasta va afecta performanța acestora. - CORPORATION BLOCKCHAIN Echipa Blockchain Corporation se angajează să rezolve probleme în industria canabisului medical și să se concentreze pe implementarea de soluții reale pentru a asigura o creștere stabilă a cu...