SATT - Token For Advertising Transactions Between Advertisers And Publishers

Hi friends If you are interested in joining the SaTT project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission. Here's the review: About SaTT The Smart Contract SaTT will change the relationship between advertisers and content editors! What is SaTT? SaTT tokens are tokens from a Ethereum smart contact, the tokens will be used for advertising transactions between advertisers and publishers. Digital strategy must be built and measured according to several constraints SaTT: How can they quantify the return on investment in the current environment? Accurate data to evaluate the effectiveness of digital actions with regard to campaign objectives in terms of impact on the brand (awareness, memorization, brand preference...) and/or performance (increased traffic, online sales, offline sales, generation of opportunities or leads...). Media buying strategies and communication budgets based on evaluation o...